
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It serves as a protective casing that guards the body against damage, inju...

PCOS & Acne
For women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), acne is a key symptom of this condition. If you have bee...

Why You're Still Tired After Sleeping
While we know that fatigue is commonly caused by insufficient or poor quality sleep, it can also be the symptom of va...

Bedwetting: Causes and Treatment
Bedwetting (also called nocturnal enuresis) is a complex condition that can often be a source of worry for parents an...

10 Tips for Better Thyroid Health
It’s easy to spot the thyroid when you’re studying the structure of the human body. It’s that butterfly-shaped gland ...

Mindfulness: It’s Not as Hard as You Think
Millions of thoughts enter our minds on a daily basis. Too many of us wake up and are immediately bombarded with the ...

How to Get A Hold of Anxiety
Does anxiety stop you in your tracks?
Have you noticed how menstrual irregularities or hot flushes can disrupt your n...

The Importance of Deep Breathing
Have you ever considered the fact that life depends on breathing? You are alive because you breathe. But do you also ...

Parasympathetic & Sympathetic Nervous System
Our nervous system plays a huge role in our response to stress. The nervous system can be sub-divided as follows:The ...

Adrenal Fatigue: Is It Slowing You Down?
Adrenal fatigue, also known as hypoadrenia, is a condition commonly ignored by doctors despite how real and debilitat...

10 Ways to Heal from Adrenal Fatigue
The term adrenal fatigue is used to refer to a range of non-specific symptoms that include tiredness, nervousness, bo...

The Importance of Meditation for Stress & Hormonal Balance
Stress is one of the most significant contributing factors towards developing a hormonal imbalance.
The entire glandu...

Chronic Stress & Its Effect on Ageing
New Research on Stress & Ageing
Women under chronic stress have significantly lower levels of klotho – an enzyme ...
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