We offer a huge amount of support - from our online Communities, to our Live Chat & Support email system, to our growing library of Articles, Research and Recipes.
Our team of experts is on hand to answer all your questions and concerns; and we're here to create a place for you to learn, to grow, and be supported on your unique health journey.
Our Team and practitioners
We have an amazing and dedicated team of Naturopaths, Nurses and Support staff working to encourage & support you in your journey.
You might already have met some of our team online, and they're here to provide guidance, insight, to answer your questions, and make sure you get your products on time!
Orders & Tracking
You will receive a Tracking Number from our Shipping company as soon as your order is dispatched.Your Tracking number will link to a webpage, where you can see where your parcel is in the delivery network.
Get in touch with us here:
The Happy Hormones Team are online in the various private groups from 7am-11pm Mon to Fri; 6pm-11pm Sat & Sun (ADST).
It's a great place to get your questions answered and meet other like-minded women who can also offer insight and guidance.
Live Chat
Live Chat is available from 7am-11pm Mon to Fri; 6pm-11pm Sat & Sun (ADST). Outside those hours, you can still send us a message.
Just click the grey Chat button at the bottom of the page to start a conversation! We're happy to answer your questions...
Email Ticket System
If you have a question about Happy Hormones or the products, you can send a message to the Support Team:
If you've ordered from us and you have a technical or delivery question, please email the Technical Team:
Email Ticket System
If you have a question about Happy Hormones or the products, you can send a message to the Support Team:
If you've ordered from us and you have a technical or delivery question, please email the Technical Team:
FAQ & Knowledge Base
You can find answers to the most common questions here:
If you can't find the answer to your question, please Chat with us! :)
Facebook Support
The Happy Hormones Team are online in the various private groups from 7am-11pm Mon to Fri; 6pm-11pm Sat & Sun (ADST).
It's a great place to get your questions answered and meet other like-minded women who can also offer insight and guidance.
Facebook Support
The Happy Hormones Team are online in the various private groups from 7am-11pm Mon to Fri; 6pm-11pm Sat & Sun (ADST).
It's a great place to get your questions answered and meet other like-minded women who can also offer insight and guidance.