
We all want to be happy. Some would say happiness is the purpose of life. Such a simple concept but so hard for so ma...

The Importance of Deep Breathing
Have you ever considered the fact that life depends on breathing? You are alive because you breathe. But do you also ...

What Happens When You Take Happy Hormones?
The first thing you should notice while on HH is a sense of calm. The number one symptom women who are on Happy Hormo...

Is Your Diet Affecting Your Hormones?
Fifty years ago hormonal imbalances were rare. Many factors have contributed to the epidemic we are experiencing toda...

Moon Phases & Your Monthly Cycle
Do you follow your cycle and notice the varied emotions you feel during the different periods of the month? If you do...

Hormones & Weight Loss
Is weight loss still an issue for you, even if you’re obsessively doing everything right?
A lot of people seem to thi...

Black Cohosh - Nature's Balancer
The benchmark in complementary medicines for regulating hormonal imbalances is a herbal medicine known as Cimicifuga ...

Environmental Toxins & Endocrine Imbalances
The endocrine system is a complex combination of glands, hormones and receptor sites that are distributed throughout ...
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