Mexican Stack

By: Katrina Butterworth
Mexican Stack

Our family favourite, a quick and high antioxidant, easy vegetarian meal the whole family loves!



  1. Prepare the Mexican Mix Beans as per the recipe.
  2. Prepare the Mixed Salad (see Notes below) and the Homemade Salsa (see recipe).
  3. Mash the avocado and add a dash of lemon juice.
  4. Divide the corn chips and spread on each plate, leaving an empty space in the centre.
  5. Place some of the beans in the centre and drizzle a small amount of yoghurt. Add the salad, then the avocado mash. Top with a bit of salsa and serve.

Extra Notes

The Mixed Salad can include anything from tomatoes, carrots, shredded red/white cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, capsicum, bean shoots, onion, herbs (parsley, coriander), etc. Toss all ingredients together.
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